Sustainable, environment friendly examples present future.
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Aloe Vera
Exceptional properties for your skin, guts and more.
Apparel Brands Go Green
Go green or go home, millennials shop Eco-Friendly, new study finds.
Areca Palm
Removes CO2 and produces lots of oxygen. Its health benefits will boost your energy and productivity.
Artotel Bamboo
Luxury meets sustainability. Looking good with excellent bamboo architecture in Sanur, Bali.
This dangerous material, made forbidden in western countries more than 30 years ago, is still used everywhere in Indonesia.
ASEAN Against Plastic Pollution
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) joins the movement against the use of plastics, supports the initiatives in banning plastic use.
Bali Agri Tradeshow
With free entrance, you will be able to see, meet and buy plants, trees and organic products.
Bali Plastic Bags Ban
Denpasar just introduced a new prohibition of plastic bags, Styrofoam and plastic straws in supermarkets, convenience stores and shopping centres.
Bali Solar Energy
PLN, Indonesia electricity company, plans to generate 50 MW of renewable electricity in 2021 from two solar powered plants in Bali.
Bali Water Protection
This project calls on Bali’s leadership and responsibility to address the island’s diminishing water table and rapidly dropping levels of freshwater availability.
Bali Wave Energy Park
Wello will build a 10 MegaWatts Wave Energy Park in Nusa Penida an island close to Bali.
Balsa Surfboards
Vince Tierny surfboards are produced with 100% balsa wood sourced from small scale plantations in East Java.
Bamboo Bicycles
Making bikes out of bamboo is actually not all that crazy. East Bali bamboo bikes manufacture them locally.
Bamboo Buildings In Bali
Bamboo is booming here, showing excellent examples of a sustainable way to build.
Bamboo Straws
Suck it up consciously. Offer your customers a environment-friendly way. Small acts count.
Bambu Indah
A radically distinctive boutique hotel in Ubud, unique luxury experience in a lush natural environment. Dense tropical jungle and river pools.
Bandwidth and Economic Wealth
There is a relationship between available bandwidth and economic health. After Singapore in the lead, the six top countries for speed are all European.
Air Cleaning Bedroom Plants
Plants that absorb pollutants and CO2 at night and help you sleep better.
Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina may literally be the single most nutritious food on the planet for how beneficial it is.
Bio Cement
No kiln firing, No CO2 emissions. Grown sustainable building material.
Biocoenosis Natural Forests
MIYAWAKI developed a method to restore forests with native trees on very degraded soils that were deforested and without humus.
Biodegradable Indonesian Plastic
Avani’s cassava-based biodegradable bags and products are solutions to the worldwide plastic problem.
Brazilian Reclaimed Wood
Recycling wood is clever! From Indo to Brazil many up-cycle old timber turning it into furniture.
Bricks from unrecyclable waste
Rebricks is creating recycled building materials from waste
Building With Bamboo
Bamboo is unmatched as a sustainable building material. It grows quickly and doesn't destroy the land.
Byebye Plastic Bags
Youth Driven Change to get the people of Bali to say no to plastic bags.
Charging Stations Coming
Indonesia state electricity company is developing stations in Lombok and Sumbawa.
Chrysanthemum Power
Beautiful flowers and powerful pollutant remover. A must have for an healthy home.
Clean every river in Indonesia.
Sungai watch mission is to protect and restore rivers with simple technologies stop plastic from reaching the ocean.
Coffee Benfits and Problems
Medical literature proved coffee health benefits. There are problems too. Drink it consciously.
Consumers Want Sustainability
Sustainable Mainstream. Eco-friendly is definitely in.
Cool Reclaimed Wood Lamps
Get some cool design lamps. They claim these lamps are made of up-cycled wood. Old timber turned into great furniture pieces. Really?!
Dracaena Benefits
This plant removes many pollutants. It's perfect for an healthy home.
Eco Bali
An affordable recycling service for homes and business.
Eco Regions Indonesia
The Eco Region approach aspire to be a game changer for large scale green development.
Electric Cars in Thailand
The Thai Government has a goal of getting 1.2M electric vehicles on the road by 2036.
Energy Saving Bulbs
Saving the planet starts from saving energy.
ET Foldable Scooter
Charge it, un-fold it and ride smarter.
Evoware Not Plastic
A seaweed based eco-friendly alternative to food-grade plastic. And you can eat it.
Ferns Eliminate Air Pollutants
This ancient plant offers a superior pollutants removal efficiency. A must have for an healthy home.
Fight Inflammation With Food
Inflammation is caused by unhealthy foods and lifestyle habits. You can treat it yourself with foods, exercise, good sleep and stress management.
Flax is a Superfood
Nutritional powerhouses flax or linseed are packed with fiber, omega-3, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Food Safe Plastic
The obvious solution to avoiding plastic toxicity is to avoid plastics. Reduce damage by picking the least toxic ones.
Gardens By The Bay
An astonishing example of sustainable edutainment environment
Ginger Is Good
This root provides us with a wealth of anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial and analgesic effects.
Golden Pothos
Effective in removing formaldehyde, thrives also under fluorescent lights and it's very easy to care for.
Green School Bali
Architectural wonder to educate for sustainability.
Green Walls
Absorb pollution, offer cooling shade and cost much less than any other walls.
Gringgo Smarter Waste Collection
B"orn in Bali this platform for recycling is tackling the trash problem head on."
Honda Electric Cub
Soon available in Indonesia the retro looking scooter with revolutionary features.
Immune Boost Drinks
An interview with healthy drink producer Iris from Live Essences.
Indonesian Reclaimed Wood
Reclaimed timber is trendy now! Check out this smart way to up-cycle old wood turning it into furniture.
Indonesian Waste Platform
Hub promoting and facilitating cross-sector collaborations for solutions on the waste problems in Indonesia.
Maya Green Roof
Luxury meets efficiency. Cutting energy bill and looking good in Sanur, Bali.
Microplastic In Your Salt
Planet or plastic? Salt produced in Indonesia, using the ancient technique of evaporating seawater contains lots of microplastics.
Moringa Superfood
Also called drumstick tree, horseradish tree, Moringa is an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.
Mosquito Repellent Plants
Mosquito repellent plants that you can easily grow in your balcony or garden area. It’s about your health.
Neem Tree
Improves indoor air quality absorbing CO2 at night. Perfect for your bedroom.
Paper Towels
Nearly 4 billion trees are cut down each year for paper.
Peace Lilies
One of the most powerful pollutant remover.
Plastic Bags
Less than 1 percent of plastic bags goes into a recycle bin.
Plastic Roads
Indonesia tried plastic and rubber tires waste for road asphalt. A clever way to reduce plastic pollution.
Racing To Clean
Volcom Indonesia offers an example of responsible action, the Red Bag race.
Raising Awareness
Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean for a global network of marine protected areas.
Recycling Aluminum
Aluminum can can be recycled an unlimited number of times.
Rethink Plastic
A movement to raise awareness of plastic pollution and the existing solutions. Movies, education, and government pressure.
Singapore Botanic Gardens
This outstanding world of plants is a must see UNESCO World Heritage Site!
Snake Plant
Recommended for improving indoor air quality, it absorbs CO2 at night.
SOS From The Deep
CTC provides education and training to make sure that marine protected areas!
Stop Alien Species
At recent ASEAN meeting Indonesia pushed the need to combat invasive alien species.
Sustainable Wood
Forest Stewardship Council is demonstrating responsible forest supply chain management
The Ocean Cleanup
Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health and economies.
Trash Hero
This global phenomena is growing bigger. And it's happening in Bali too.
Travellers Choose Sustainability
Sustainable, eco-conscious travel, is on the rise worldwide according to recent statistics.
Up-cycled Glass
Use recycled glass and bottles to make lamp and serve water to customers.
Vegetable Block Printing
Block printing is the process of printing onto fabric or paper using a hand-cut block, usually made of wood. Carve the block, apply ink and the printing fun begins.
Xiaomi Electric Scooter
This convenient foldable scooter in now available in Indonesia
Zero Electric Motorcycles
Garansindo brings Zero superbikes to Indonesia. Serious riding.
Zooming In On Biodiversity
An ASEAN wide photo contest capturing the richness of biological resources in the region.