Azadirachta Indica, commonly known as Neem, is part of the Mahogany family.
External medicinal uses of Neem is for the treatment of dermatological disorders like psoriasis, herpes, eczema, purities, and acne vulgaris, inflammatory condition, infected wounds, abscesses and ulcer, ophthalmic care, ear infection and sinusitis, alopecia and hair care, snake bite and scorpion sting, rheumatic pain, gout, etc.
Internally Neem is used for dental hygiene, for treating malaria and filaria, typhoid, digestive disorders, liver disorders, intestinal worms, hepatitis, spleenomeglay, respiratory disorders, tuberculosis, urinary disorders, gynecological problems, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, leprosy, leucoderma, allergies, etc., infectious diseases such as smallpox, chicken pox, and measles, vaginal disorders, sexually transmitted infection, and AIDS.
It gives oxigen at night and is also a pollutant remover.
Pollutants removed: Sulfur dioxide
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